Aw, I love this post... the laughing out loud happened through my tears of recognition.

Years ago, I watched Rich and Famous, with Candice Bergen and Jacqueline Bissett wherein JB wrote critically acclaimed literary fiction and her dear friend wrote schlocky romance. CB's character told her friend that she was unique, since all her friends were rich and famous, but JB's character was just famous and that counted for a lot. It stuck with me. Sadly true even for those who, aside from the very few, "make it" in the literary world.

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Ha! I've heard of that movie, but I don't recall ever watching it. I should check it out.

Candidly, I have no expectations of "making it" as a big-time author, and I'm just trying to enjoy the journey. Having the resources to the stay the course was a real advantage/privilege for me. The "market" will decide how my book performs, so from here on out everything else is gravy.

Thanks always for reading!

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Sep 13Liked by Amran Gowani

Three whole projected readers! And they say literacy is dying. May the gods be kinder to us than our choices.

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They certainly owe us. For the existence of Britain, if nothing else.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Amran Gowani

In the gods’ defense, those royal faces look pretty well-cursed.

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Sep 13Liked by Amran Gowani

"May the gods be kinder to us than our choices."

What a line. Be advised: I plan to co-opt it, translate it to Latin, and inscribe it on a family coat of arms.

**chef's kiss**

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The man's too clever for his own good.

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Sep 13Liked by Amran Gowani

Fine, as long as me doing a double thumbs-up makes it on there.

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It'll all be worth it. There's no better feeling than selling 400 copies of a book and knowing your three-year project has earned you enough to cover your share of the mortgage for an entire month.

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Hell yeah!

In 18 months my Substack's made enough to cover half of one of our payments, so I'm fucking stoked about this future financial windfall.

Also, we really need to pitch Bravo.

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Mormon wives drama is peanuts compared to the shit we'll be stirring up.

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Very funny. I love how some of your sarcastic jokes can actually be true. Or maybe you did snort from a belly button?

When's the next book coming out? Said your agent.

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Haha -- thank you! A demure boy never tells.

As long as LEVERAGE doesn't bomb, the next book should come out in 2027/28. Working on it now, and loving the direction!

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I’m loving all the background drops you’re sharing, dragging me to enlightenment.

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It's an insane field of play, so I'm just calling balls and strikes.

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