
A few more tidbits for the algorithm discussion: a friend on my distribution list said they used to consult for Medium and confirmed nobody inside knows how the platform "works." Only Obama and bullshit artists were making any money.

Also, stats:

On Substack, so far this post has 388 views, 345 unique opens and a 76% open rate. Substack says open rates of 50-60% are very good.

On Medium, a shorter version of this post got two views, zero reads, but one fan. The fan wasn't even a follower of mine. They appear to have stumbled across the post because I tagged...wait for it...algorithms.

Thanks everyone for reading!

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May 7, 2022Liked by Amran Gowani

Go Amran! I laughed at your description of being a Kroger clerk vs working in corporate America.

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Haha - thanks! Glad you enjoyed.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Amran Gowani

Algorithms are the worst, can confirm.

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This man is an inspiration! A text exchange between us crystallized my thinking about Medium and was one of the reasons I decided to switch. So, it's also kind of his fault.

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May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022Liked by Amran Gowani

Love your writing! And love that your living your own unique awesome life.

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Thanks so much, Robyn! It's a privilege and I'm thrilled I have the opportunity to go for it.

Happy Mother's Day to you and all the moms out there!

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Thanks for confirming algorithms can be evil. I too pulled my writing from Medium--am enjoying your posts!

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Thanks so much! And welcome aboard! You're just in time. Next Friday I'm planning a post about...wait for it...algorithms. See you then!

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Alright pal, I REALLY like what you're doing--most especially, the palpable sense that I'm hearing the authentic voice of a real person. If I want to write a note directly to you, how would you like it? I have Twitter but don't like it, would prefer email if that's okay (and I use the Substack app now, which seems to preclude direct responses.) You can drop me a note at tompendergast@gmail.com if you wish.

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Hey, what's your novel about??? Or can you point me to the post you wrote that already answered that question? I'm new. 😁👍

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Hi Meg! Welcome to the show. I actually haven't described my novel much in my writing - my audience is mostly interested in my comedy/satire writing. I've got a bunch of loglines I like but don't love. Here's a few:

1. When a superstar hedge fund analyst loses everything, he turns to insider trading to recoup his losses, making powerful new enemies on both sides of the law.

2. When a superstar hedge fund analyst loses $300 million, his powerful boss gives him an impossible choice: recover the money in three months, or take the fall for insider trading.

3. To save his job, restore his status, and avoid going to prison for insider trading charges, a superstar hedge fund analyst must generate $300 million in three months.

None of them are quite right, but I'm triangulating closer with each iteration.

I'm at 66K words and I'm targeting 75K. Right now I'm taking a break and letting my subconscious do the work on the final act. My originally planned ending doesn't quite feel true anymore, but I've got some ideas percolating for an even more satisfying denouement.

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I'm laughing at myself right now because I'm on a mission to read autobio posts from all the substacks I recommend to my readers... cuz... due diligence... and curiosity. And I got to the end of this LONG AF post and realized I'd already read it and liked it. AND COMMENTED on it. And forgot. 🙄 Not that anything you wrote in here is forgettable. On the contrary, you are a very interesting human type person. Keep doing the things and making the stuff. And see you around the water cooler. Unless I forget where it is.

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At this rate you should be re-reading and re-commenting on this post around mid-April. Looking forward to your updated thoughts then. :-)

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I'm two weeks late for my re-read/re-comment deadline. But you already know you're kicking ass. Seems gratuitous to keep telling you that. 😉

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Thank you!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Amran Gowani

Damn. It me. I am seen. 💯 Am I doing internet props right? Similar journey to yours. Swirling in the angst over what my Substack is. Should be. Color me inspired. Not sure if that’s one Crayola does. Currently in an IHOP airport bar and nodding vigorously thanks to feeling the tumblers click into place and the Bloody Mary. Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks, Dan! Glad this piece resonated with you. Like you, I'm still trying to figure it out!

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Okay, I'll "stick around".

Mostly just because - I like your style !

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Welcome, Timothy! Hopefully you'll find lots of laughs round these parts. And you're just in time for another collaboration piece coming a week from today. Stay tuned...

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I second every single thing you've said about Medium. That matched my experience. Some of those competitive writers on Medium are also quite thin-skinned about being called out on factual errors, and will--well, let's just say the nastiest experience I've had with another writer was over on Medium, and that was over calling out an error of fact, not grammar. I just got the vibe of constant in-fighting and nope, I'm not one of those writers.

I'm also with you about the paywall and charging. Glad to meet you (came in via notes, am subscribing).

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It's a shame, but the algorithms incentivize the worst possible behavior. Unfortunately, I'm seeing a lot of familiar names from my brief Medium stint migrating over to Substack. Luckily, the nature of the email newsletter game means we don't have to pay attention if we don't want to -- except in Notes, of course, where a remedial algorithm runs the show.

Awesome to meet you as well! And welcome to the show! My next regularly scheduled post should hit your inbox on Friday, July 14.

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Oh yes, I've seen the Medium refugees. Looking forward to seeing your next post.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Medium is the eHow of Blogsters.

Also, you don’t just walk away from the Pharmaceutical Industry. We’re watching you

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They always pull me back in! When I die under mysterious circumstances my friends and family will know who to suspect.

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