Jun 14Liked by Amran Gowani

Milestone anniversary and Father’s Day in one weekend? The Universe is surely licking its chops deciding on what unholy chaos to send our way.

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Here's to ten more years of madness. Or, until you get truly fed up with me.

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ohhh my now...has it really come down to "engaging in sexual congress" now!!,🤣🤣

nonetheless i suspect yoyr sebse of humor and season 4 of "the Boyz" will buy you another year or 2...besides if Stormchaser MGT and her hair-weave felon freund get elected who cares anyways we all implode 😝🥸🤡☠️

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Haha -- I really love The Boys. I have the graphic novels but have only seen the show. Something to remedy.

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"The answer to life's problems can't be found in a bottle. They're on TV." (Homer Simpson)

"I am your father. I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out." (Dr. Cliff Huxtable)

...and there's plenty more where that came from.

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Great additions.

I restricted my lens to so-called "Prestige TV" shows, otherwise there'd be way too many fictional dads to consider.

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Those are words of advice relegated for the 'committed' and the 'institutionalized'.

Now get out there and show them all how to ADORE you ! Have a great summer Amran.

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Haha -- thanks, Timothy!

Fun times ahead, for sure.

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Jun 15Liked by Amran Gowani

Become useless and indispensible. Less be water, more be caffeine. Brilliance itself. I will be using this for my short-term roller coaster rides.

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I've finally delivered an insight of real value via this newsletter!

Go forth and prosper.

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Jun 15Liked by Amran Gowani

Felicia: CALL ME, GIRLFRIEND. I can help you get out of this raging dumpster fire. And if by chance he’s right and it’s too late, I can charge you by the hour for therapy.

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Sorry, she needs my face to unlock her phone.

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“Enable two-factor authentication on each account and link only to your mobile phone number.” This is diabolical.

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Haha -- all those thrillers and procedurals finally paid off!

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I would say you and the strategy are a bit evil...

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Haha. We only hurt the ones we love...

Thanks for reading!

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When I hit the "masturbate" section, I lost it. If your novel is comic or satiric or satiric/comic or even nihilistic, I'm in.

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Haha -- thank you, Curt!

Honestly, my novel makes this post seem tame. Can't wait for you to get your hands on it!

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My first marriage ended in less than 7 years, even though I helped procreate two children. My Ex has full custody of our two adult sons. I had not been fully aware of the value of your advice almost 50 years ago.

My second marriage, nearing 38 years, (not 57, not yet), I did and am still doing all you write about in your post.

Housekeeping? √

House Husbanding? √

Plug Ins? √

Financial & Online accounts? √

Produce three daughters (all grown adults)? √

Have daughters produce offsprings? (two grandchildren) √

Vulnerable? √ (Had two cardiac arrests, one in which my wife and daughter actually performed CPR on me for 13 minutes before the ambulance came – they saved my life 12 years ago)

Masturbate/Adultery escape hatch? √ (Still enjoying each other's sensuality)

Keep it all secret? NOPE!

As I enter my 8th decade on this planet, I am finally realizing that I had inadvertently accomplished all that you write about. Except, having had a near death experience twice, I am certainly not concerned about my spouse leaving me, as much as I am troubled with the prospect of me leaving her – holding the bag so to speak.

I am in the beginning stages of compiling a "Open In Case of Death" manual so that my wife and children don't have to scramble to access all that is in my name.

As a matter of fact, the opening paragraph of said manual contains these words: "Keep (cell phone number) going at all costs, since almost all 2nd factor authentications lead to that number!"

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Rafi -- thanks for this epic comment!

Glad you enjoyed this post, and even more excited to hear you figured out the secrets to marriage the second go round and you're still going strong! Congrats on a life that sounds undoubtedly well-lived.

I appreciate you signing up for the madness as well! Since you enjoyed this story, here's one from last summer (about middle age) to bookmark for the road: https://agowani.substack.com/p/how-to-ace-middle-age


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I thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious yet insightful take on marriage and parenting in this newsletter. The writing style kept me engaged and entertained throughout. Excellent work! 👏👏

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Love this photo! Such a beautiful moment captured. 💕"

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Thanks for swinging by!

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I never knew staying married could be so entertaining and informative! The humor and insights in this post are spot on, making me rethink the whole idea of long-term relationships. And the parenting advice from TV dads? Priceless! Excellent work! 👏🏼

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