Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Love this. Happy Birthday!!

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Thanks, Shannon!

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Golden rules. Happy Birthday, Amran!

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Thanks, Portia! Words to live by, indeed.

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Great list. I love the pro tip for 31. I have little patience for a book that isn’t a fit for me. (I don’t want to call any book “bad.”) Have a fab birthday. 🥳

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Thanks, CK! Yes, "bad" is subjective in art and I was careful to avoid that characterization. But, no piece of art is for everyone, and that's perfectly fine.

I'm about to wash some dishes and take a nap, so I'm living my best birthday life.

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No other chores allowed.

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Happy birthday!

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Thanks, J.! Appreciate your support.

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Good list.

Happy birthday.

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Thanks, Meg!

Glad you enjoyed the list. Took surprisingly long to iron out.

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

They're only going to get longer, you realize. 😉

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Love these Amran—and happy birthday my friend.

Particularly like the simplicity of this one—all encompassing. If only…

“Be a serious person, but don’t take yourself too seriously.”

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Thanks, Dee!

Yes, a good approach to life in general, which many more people should adopt. I appreciate your support!

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Feliz cumples amigo!! Numbers 18 and 37 are MINE!!

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Thanks, Birgitte!

You're living well on both counts. Number 37 is the one rule to rule them all.

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Sep 4Liked by Amran Gowani

Indeed. Recently shelled out over $100 to get three pairs of shoes repaired instead of getting new ones (because I only buy high quality and therefore love all of my foot-outfits) As for the entropy, I practice it daily.

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Every rule is tested and true. Good work, Amran! And happy Birthday!🎉

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Thanks, C.L.! Good to hear I nailed down a solid list. Sometimes the ideas are clear, but the execution eludes. Now I just gotta keep practicing what I preach.

Always appreciate your support, and thanks for the birthday wishes!

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Hard agree, especially on beds, bikes, and shoes.

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A wise man recognizes the essentials.

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Happy Birthday!

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Thanks, Jo! And thanks for supporting my work!

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Sep 5Liked by Amran Gowani


Happy birthday!

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Thank you, Jessie!

I'll be executing #22 later today.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Amran Gowani

Happy birthday! A lot of great advice in here. It's like you're Dr. Jordan Kermit the Frog Peterson, except much more wise and you embrace the chaos (although you may need to clarify your stance on lobster hierarchies). Some bullet responses to them.

"Be a serious person, but don’t take yourself too seriously."

- This needs to be a PSA!

"Biking > Walking >>> Driving."

- All fax, no printer.

"Always choose a great movie over a great TV show."

- I've been doing this lately, and it's a game-changer. Prestige TV is oversaturated with 6/10 shows anyway.

"Never cheap it out on shoes or mattresses."

- Especially running shoes. Shin splints are a bitch.

"For every minute you waste on social media, spend ten biking, running, jogging, walking, lifting weights, reading, writing, masturbating, cleaning, gardening, woodworking, boning — anything more productive."

- Realized this during the pandemic, and my mental health has never been better and I feel like I have my mind/POV back.

"Listen to music instead of podcasts — your brain, body, and soul will thank you."

- I cannot second this statement enough.

"When caught conversing with kooks, quacks, and conspiracy theorists, just smile, and say: 'Huh. I never realized the government, which Dear Leader Reagan said was bloated, incompetent, useless, inefficient, and chock-full of total dipshits, could orchestrate such a sophisticated, clandestine, globe-spanning operation.'"

- This is amazing. Gonna have to use this one come Thanksgiving and I will report back to you with results.

"Procure your “news” from three fact-checked sources: The Economist, The Financial Times, and The New Yorker."

- New Yorker is dope. Wish I had the money to subscribe to FT.

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Thanks, Sam! This comment makes me very happy. I'll be re-stacking during the hours of the living.

I tapped out early on the prestige TV movement and I'm better for it. I grew up on the classic films of the seventies and eighties, and when I watch these bloated shows all I see is wasted imagery and redundant information. There's no new plot or characterization from episode one through seven of a typical season, and the insistence on leaving a cliffhanger after 8-13 hours of footage to set up the next season is literal insanity.

People used to say TV shows were the new novels, but that's just flat-out incorrect. Movies and novels share a certain efficiency which TV never delivers.

Re: The FT, I can't afford it either, but there's a great hybrid version called FT EDIT, which you can buy right inside the Apple App Store (not sure about Android). It's $5 per month, and you get 8 new articles every weekday. I took a break from it over the summer (I'm reading physical copies of The Economist and The New Yorker these days -- old school!) but I'm likely to re-up soon. Their editorial bent is surprisingly progressive, especially compared with The Economist these days, and thus saner.

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I only like prestige TV when the shows justify the run time (Sopranos, Mad Men, Succession, Breaking Bad, etc.), but Ted Lasso would be a perfect example of a bloated show that did not have enough to justify the run time.

And I didn't know about FT Edit! Gonna check that out. Maybe I should sub to the New Yorker as well. I love that mag, but I haven't really read it, or most news in a while. Gotta keep my head down during the dumbest election until the next one.

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Seconding this. I think Succession and The Wire found just the right length, and had enough compelling characters to justify their runs. Even still, I've re-watched The Wire once but never will again. Too much opportunity cost of time.

The New Yorker runs perpetual promotions so jump in. Unfortunately it might be bankrupt sooner than people realize.

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I'm almost done with Season 4 of "The Wire" and it's amazing. Definitely in my top 10 shows ever. But idk if I would revisit it anytime soon once I'm finished.

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Absolutely goddamn right.

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If anyone was gonna appreciate that bit, it was you.

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Wise words. Happy belated birthday!!

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Thanks, Carlos!

I've accumulated much wisdom during my time on this earth, and I have the creaking knees to prove it.

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Happy Birthday, Amran. It’s a good list.

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Thanks, Ben! Glad to know I've learned something during my time on this planet.

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Sep 5Liked by Amran Gowani

“When you feel the urge to buy something, ask yourself what you really want, and whether it can be purchased.”


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Thanks, Anne! I have rare moments of lucidity.

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Sep 6Liked by Amran Gowani

Even a blind chicken gets a kernel of corn once in a while.

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